Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Off-Season? By TazSlamian Devil

The roller derby off-season is a funny thing.  There is no official off-season, but rather teams seem to compete around the same schedules as their regional opponents. Teams that bout at ice hockey rinks inherently only bout during off-ice months.  In our case, that means we can only compete in our home venue at the Everett Arena from April to August. However, neighboring leagues in VT and ME do not have the same restrictions, so their schedule is not dictated by the ice hockey schedule of their home arena.  Without a universally defined off-season, it is what each league makes it. 

So, after three or so years of skating with many different leagues, but never having an actual off-season due to it's highly variable schedule, I had no idea what to expect.  I knew that I was physically and spiritually exhausted.  Any die-hard roller derby skater will tell you that when you are training, this sport can be all-consuming.  Quite literally, the blood, sweat, and tears that go into becoming a successful roller derby team, multiplied by 30 or so of your teammates, creates an amazing and intense energy. (Which is probably why roller derby has been dubbed "addictive.")  However, after awhile, even the most enthusiastic skater must step back from that and find calm and balance. As a training junkie, I have learned to consider this off-season period as just another part of my overall training to be the best athlete I can be. 

Still, I did not know what an off-season would be like, and this is what I got...

Week 1: Feeling pretty enthused to have all this extra free time to do all those non-roller derby things I have been neglecting.  Beer, wine, and junk food intake increasing steadily.  After all, I don't have a bout tomorrow!

Week 2:  Still haven't tackled my non-roller derby to-do list.  Wondering what happened to all that free time.  Oh yeah, I spent it hanging out with my teammates reminiscing about the season.  Starting to feel a little antsy.  It would be nice to not just skate, but maybe hit some people around bit -- on skates. 

Week 3:  This not skating thing is starting to suck. I wonder how my skater sister is doing?  Haven't seen her in weeks!  Wait a minute...what is happening here?  Expanding muffin top?  My skates look sad and lonely in the corner.  Still looking for that calm and balance.

Week 4: Weight gain and lethargy.  My regular energy outlet is gone. Who likes going on the treadmill for 2 hours?  I don't even like running.

Week 5-6:  Birthday scrimmage!  Finally a chance to play roller derby, perfect way to celebrate AND break-up the off-season.  (That isn't off-season cheating, is it?  Roller derby junkie... couldn't stay away.)

Week 7:
  I was sore after that scrimmage!  Yay, and I have a few bruises on my shins and arms!  A sign that roller derby has been played!  Gotta love that day-old sharpie on your arm that won't completely wash off before work.  Good thing it's the winter months... no short sleeves.

Week 8:  Thinking I better start working out, I was pretty winded at the scrimmage.  I am going to be in a world of hurt in January when practices start back up again.  Plus, February is going to be ENDURANCE month run by Emily Deck'erson, Captain of the Legislashers and GSRD's training bad-ass extraordinaire.  Planning painful and grueling endurance drills happen to be her specialty.

Week 9: Definitely trying to work out more, since I have had such a lazy off-season.  However, it would not be right to let these holiday leftovers go to waste! Can't believe that this whole "off-season" thing is almost over? I wonder what the new team will be like this year... we have so many new faces who have been training during the off-season and are now chasing our fastest jammers. I am fidgeting in my chair just thinking about it, it is going to be a great season without a doubt.  Looking back on this period of rest, I am not sure I will ever find calm, but I believe I might be a little closer to balance.  I feel refreshed and ready to start anew.  BRING IT!

Week 10: (Next week) Last week before the 2012 season begins!   FINALLY!  We have so many exciting plans for the season... and I have plans to clean my bearings and wash all my gear before our first practice.  (You are welcome teammates!)  Can't wait to see everyone again!

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